![]() ![]() Northeastern Louisiana is a Freshwater turtle biodiversity hotspot and West Monroe's Lazarre Park offers prime nesting conditions that are becoming exceedingly rare these days along The Ouachita River. Some of the Louisiana Master Naturalists, Park managers and interested members of the public joined Professor John Carr and his students from the ULM Biology Department at West Monroe's beautiful Lazarre Park on September 20th, 2021. It was hazy and bright, perfect conditions for release of three freshwater turtle species back into their Ouachita river home. The Smooth Softshells (Apalone mutica) and the endemic Ouachita Map Turtles (Graptemys ouachitensis) are species of conservation concern. The Mississippi Map Turtles (Graptemys pseudogeographica kohni) are more widespread but nonetheless suffer from increasing predation and so their conservation is also important. Professor Carr raised these hatchlings from eggs that he and his students had formerly collected at Lazarre. Raising the hatchlings in incubators protects them from possible predation by foxes and raccoons. He is going to deliver a report of this project to the authorities and LDWF about this important habitat. For more information about Dr. Carr see https://webservices.ulm.edu/facultyac... and https://www.ulm.edu/~carr/
Bob has Masters degrees in Environmental Policy (1981) and Environmental Engineering (1996 ) from LSU. Coping with climate change is a hot topic with a bearing on everyone's lives these days. In this video, Bob Jacobson frames the debate, clarifies the real likelihood of the "1 in a thousand-year flood" in human terms, spotlighting true mitigation, i.e. insuring for the dollar risk of flood events to allow the capacity to recover. He doesn't mince his words. Evacuation is the primary response to flood risk. Government evacuation orders are there to help save lives not real estate property, insure the property for your recovery. Over the next decade we'll see major changes in the handling of risk and mortgages will include flood insurance. Levees and other engineering works should be regarded as insurance cost reduction measures, not hurricane protective measures. Bob identifies and clarifies the five tenets of flood risk in dollar terms. Ri$k.
The principle of buyer beware applies to property and owners / prospective owners. We should apply due diligence. Insurance is our best way to mitigate flood risk to enable property recovery. Owners must calculate their own flood risk, he says, and explains why the National Flood Insurance Program is not really fit for purpose. He asks the government to: 1. Adopt five tenets of 21st Century Flood Risk Wisdom. Educate officials, media and public to abandon foolish approaches. He says the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) is not supporting due diligence - please stop subsidizing excessive risk-taking, please stop over-pricing modest risk exposure. He says the NFIP is not supporting resiliency - there's a massive uninsured population, and damages are worsening with climate change and equity and justice issues are very apparent. We must try to be fair and avoid sub-optimal mitigation decisions. 2. Help modernize the Standard Operating Procedure for property transaction due diligence and support an online tool for pricing every property's flood risk. Accelerate our ability to accurately define the expected annual cost of flood risk for our property, the present value 3. Update 8 ultra-high resolution geospatial data 4.Continuously improve change forecasts 5.Properly regulate flood insurance markets 6. Broaden participation in good flood insurance No mortgaged property should be uninsured for the "30-year snake-eyes chance flood". He argues that flood risk is commonly underestimated, in a hypothetical family of 12 siblings, each living for 80 years, distributed widely, he says one of them has a 1 in 12 chance of experiencing a 1-chance-in-1,000-per-year-chance flood (snake-eyes). 7. Promote only sensible public projects and programs for mitigating flood risk. Don't waste tax dollars mitigating a flood risk that is cheaper for property owners to insure. 8. There are equity and justice issues regarding property, historically marginalized people may need assistance with their flood insurance. 9. Promote no adverse impact on floodplain capacity flood storage and flood conveyance. Don't increase flood risk pricing for other communities or neighbors (public & private projects). Don't place all burden on new development. Consider a uniform run-off tax. Drainage improvement and levees are useful. Also floodplain roads and bridges. Clearing ditches and culverts can help protect the lowest guy on the block. 10. Separate flood plain ecosystem restoration from sensible flood risk mitigation. They are both equally valid but distinct public objectives (by treating these separately you will likely get the best options for both goals). In Ecosystem restoration projects, please optimize for habitat In flood risk mitigation$ please optimize for flood insurance cost reduction and ensure that the insured owner beneficiaries contribute to the cost. Bob expands upon each area of his talk in the separate videos below:The eight videos links and associated credit hours are:
The Five Tenets of 21st Century Flood Ri$k Wisdom—Introduction (0.1 hr) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KI1COouFhVc 21st Century Flood Ri$k Wisdom Tenet 1—Flood Exposure is Location-Specific (0.1 hr) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmDWa0qxANg 21st Century Flood Ri$k Wisdom Tenet 2—Flood Hazard is a Mathematical Curve (0.3 hr) Very important! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqa_4exx1EM 21st Century Flood Ri$k Wisdom Tenet 3—Flood Risk is a Present Value (0.2 hr) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9hHVmzTQ3E 21st Century Flood Ri$k Wisdom Tenet 4—Due Diligence is Pricing Risk (0.1 hr) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIfYxuJEn9g 21st Century Flood Ri$k Wisdom Tenet 5—Resiliency is Good Insurance + Sensible Mitigation (0.1 hr) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wx-BDS06iuU Technology is Making 21st Century Flood Ri$k Wisdom a Reality (0.3 hr) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6td8O4t6UaM Ten Wise Policies for Flood Risk Management (0.1 hr) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3QWhgcB-zY Plus: Email Questions/Comments (0.2 hr) Total Credit Hours 1.5 hours. More if you re-watch the trickier bits. We are very grateful to LMNGBR and to Bob Jacobson for his interesting presentations. 10/22/2021 0 Comments Louisiana Nature Forthcoming Events
![]() Stacey Scarce, the former Curator of the Acadiana Nature Station found out from Bob Thomas about the New Orleans chapter of master naturalists and the success of their first year. In 2011, if I remember correctly, she recruited a few people from the Lafayette community to start a chapter in Acadiana. The people I can remember include Jon Himel (a teacher at a local high school), Marty Floyd, an active Master Gardener named Stacy Lee and myself (Kyle Patton),. There were about 10 other people at the first meeting, but they were not interested in going through the rigorous process of establishing and putting on the series of 10 workshops. Over the first couple months, a few more people were recruited including Andre Daugereaux. We would meet once a month at the Nature Station to brainstorm about what would be needed to pull off a successful program. It was decided that the first set of officers would be Stacey Scarce (President), Marty Floyd (VP), Jon Himel (Secretary), and myself as the Treasurer. Jon started the paperwork to obtain 501c3 Non-Profit Organization Status. We narrowed down the locations to 10 spread out around Acadiana and beyond. From Rockefeller on the coast to the Arboretum in the north, we had a large diversity of programs (and still do). The first Spring that we tried out the workshops we considered it a 'dry run' with board members being the first class. I believe that was in the Spring of 2012. We spent the next 6 months getting all of 'kinks' out as well as "crossing out 't's" and "dotting our 'i's". The first official cohort was in the Spring of 2013 if my memory serves me correctly. To date, we have had 8 cohorts from this program. 2019 Acadiana Master Naturalist Program Alumni
AMNP image and copyright. |
The above scenes are all from Lake Martin, probably one of the best wildlife photography destinations in the United States. C& K Paxton images and copyright.
My favorite thing about this program is its diversity of information spread across many unique locations. The current locations for the workshops include: the Acadiana Nature Station, Vermilionville and the Jean Lafitte Center, Avery Island, the Louisiana Arboretum, Allen Acres, the Native Prairies of Eunice, Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge, UL's Ecology Center, UL's Cade Farm, Lake Martin and Henderson, and other locations that have rotated in and out of the program over the years. |
Climate stewardship the role of outreach and service programs
Interesting news and some links to great resources!
The theme of the annual ANROSP conference in 2021 is Climate stewardship the role of outreach and service programs
ANROSP is the Alliance of Natural Resource Outreach and Service Programs. Member organizations include state master naturalist programs as well as schools and cooperative extension services. In 2021 the conference was virtual and held on September 28 -30. There were four hours of programing each day with keynote presentations, workshops, breakout sessions, member produced videos on climate change and biodiversity, and more.
ANROSP Conference 2021 Key Takeaways:
(53 Registered participants from 22 states) LMNA members: Marty Floyd from CenLa, Anne Frazer & Charles Paxton from LMN-NE.
ANROSP is the Alliance of Natural Resource Outreach and Service Programs. Member organizations include state master naturalist programs as well as schools and cooperative extension services. In 2021 the conference was virtual and held on September 28 -30. There were four hours of programing each day with keynote presentations, workshops, breakout sessions, member produced videos on climate change and biodiversity, and more.
ANROSP Conference 2021 Key Takeaways:
(53 Registered participants from 22 states) LMNA members: Marty Floyd from CenLa, Anne Frazer & Charles Paxton from LMN-NE.
- ANROSP recognizes that climate change is real, is man-made, is causing harm now and requires urgent appropriate responses. Success with Montreal Protocol to fix the Ozone Hole shows that we can also respond well to climate change. They hope to help groups like ours improve our efficacy. Any appropriate response includes the need for more representative demographic involvement in special programs like Master Naturalists and Climate Stewards and for better environmental justice, equity, diversity and inclusion and it encouraged and welcomed members to apply to serve on their board and/or on committees from January 2022.
- Climate Change Graphs. The 1st panel set, above, illustrates the forcings (causes) of climate change; the panel on the bottom right reveals anthropogenic influence.
- In the 2nd panel set below, the panel on the left shows the geometric progression of Carbon Dioxide increase over time, known as the J curve alongside the global average surface temperature over time.

2. ANROSP recognizes that many of our educational institutions including UC California are founded on unceded First Nation (Native American) lands acquired through the Morrill Act of 1862. Our movement owes the First Nations a debt of gratitude and we should listen to them, serve them within our community and try to recruit them. The word master can have negative connotations in some communities. The Californians call themselves UC California Naturalist and emphasize stewardship and experience rather than expertise. Nature Stewards rather than Master Naturalists https://calnat.ucanr.edu/cs/
- Dr. Julian Reyes presented on USDA’s Climate Hub Network. The USDA is committed to serving the US population with suitable assistance and information through regional climate support hubs and with other practical information and tools. US agriculture has an important part to play in climate change abatement, mitigation and adaptation. Various strategies are being employed including urban forestry, identified as a crucial adaptation strategy, to begin now. We were advised not to focus on reproducing pre-settlement ecologies in urban areas, but rather on what meets community needs.
- US Dept. of Agriculture and Forestry Service have made the climate change resource center https://www.fs.usda.gov/ccrc/
- Other resources are gathered here: Urban Forestry: Climate Vulnerability Tools for Volunteers (padlet.com)
3. Check how your city’s climate will likely change in the future and plant some species now that can cope with current and future conditions.
- This helps create climate adaptation where you are.
- https://www.fs.usda.gov/ccrc/tool/climate-wizard
- https://www.fs.usda.gov/ccrc/topics/climate-change-refugia
- Adaptation Workbook | Climate Change Resource Center (usda.gov)
4. Best Practices for Climate Change Education (Nelson, Merenlender, McCann, Ira)
- The University of California Climate Stewards curriculum was developed over a period of three years by a strategic planning group who condensed best practice from 1000’s of documents. The textbook “Climate Stewardship Taking Collective Action to Protect California” by Adina Merenlender shows how life is interconnected and shaped by climate and how communities can help tackle climate change. It shares stories from everyday people showing how their actions enhance the resilience of communities and ecosystems across ten distinct bioregions. Ideally programs should be conducted through social marketing and thus be locally grounded and relevant, also repeatable, replicable and accessible. This book is on sale independently and included in the University of California Climate Stewards Course.
- Access to nature is a social justice issue. If we don’t focus on Justice Equity Diversity Inclusion (JEDI) we won’t be relevant to disadvantaged communities. In many areas tree cover is an indicator of affluence. Urban trees should be regarded as infrastructure. Shade trees cool paved areas and make people feel better.
- We should create a community-focused culture by adopting / increasing Social Marketing strategies:
- Relationships: Who should we be? With whom should we be talking?
- Content: What are the communities’ goals. How can they use us to meet their goals?
- Barriers: What is blocking access to nature and to our recruitment, to achieving goals?
- Progress: How do we track it, when do we meet our goals?
Building good relationships is crucial. We should consider paying members of the Inclusion Committees honoraria for their work in identifying and removing perceived barriers to membership. We want local knowledge to blend with citizen science. We want Native Americans, African & Asian Americans, Chicanos and more besides to be happy and effective in our membership and board and officer roles. We can ask how should communities use us to achieve their goals?
Virginia Master Naturalists are focusing on community empowerment. Michelle Prysby educated herself, got a matching grant and formed an inclusion committee with a) paid volunteer working group $200 each, b) an ad-hock feedback group and c) chapter champions. They spent physical meeting time trust building and bonding and used googledocs for sharing documents. Outcomes: a set of recommended action items at state and local levels. A large corps of interested members and thirty chapters getting involved.
In Arizona, they had a great community pollinator garden project. In Texas they have a “Be The Change” campaign.
6. A lot of people are feeling sick and tired from environmental problems like climate damage and zoonotic diseases. Threats and littering contribute to mental health troubles including anxiety and depression. A lot of anxiety can stem from uncertainties. Being well-informed and actively participating in community action is helpful on multiple levels.
Everyone needs to be nice to each other, be supportive, inclusive, patient and helpful. Active listening is important both in bonding and delivering relevant service. A lot of people are experiencing acute and prolonged stress from overlapping problems including climate related damages. Deprivation can be perceived as multidimensional poverty, not just a shortage of money, but often of quality time, of health, peace of mind, conveniences, good examples, and of appropriate opportunities. We need to be welcoming, attentive and accommodating and prepared to welcome a broad sampling of the demographic spectrum of the total population. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs has a bearing upon who can study and volunteer. People can’t volunteer to help their communities if they’re worried sick and preoccupied with meeting basic needs. Access to nature is important for mental and physical health, but may not be within some people’s current cultural expectations or ability to access.
- Our inclusion Committees need to reveal barriers to nature access and overcome them. The members should be paid small honoraria. We should listen and act on revealed needs.
- Public transport to parks and protected areas is only part of the need. People need guidance about where to go and what there is to do and see when they get there. There need to be public restrooms to be family-friendly. Cultural norms are shared through conversations. We must converse! Children can convert/educate adult relatives.
We looked at models for broader demographic inclusion (California, Virginia and Texas) and were told that we should frankly appraise where we are now and where we would like to be vis a vis a valid popular mandate, better serving our mission and swelling our ranks. To do this we need to be where the target populace is, go where they are and listen to their needs and use trusted messengers to deliver our service messages within populations. Examples: a thanksgiving dinner served by rangers powerfully projected into a community. Placing a naturalist on buses to protected areas, giving information hand-outs to take-away showing people where they went, how they got there and what they did.
- To include more youths devolve digital / technical tasks, to include more people set citizen science projects to engage communities. Pollinator gardens, Watch groups “Bat Watch & Frog Watch, Phenology studies etc.
- Citizen science is essential to improving ecological understanding, revealing desert lizard population dynamics in the arid west, relationships between altitude and population densities, also the impact of invasive vegetation.
Notes and take-away from the Introductory Speech
Greg Ira, ANROSP’s 2021 conference chair welcomed participants to their second online conference, on behalf of the University of California, agriculture and natural resources division. He noted that within last 30 years CO2 concentration rose from 355 parts per million to 414 ppm with many associated changes. He framed the context in which state master naturalist programs operate saying that during conference registration Hurricane Ida tore through Louisiana as a category four hurricane impacting members in the region again, acknowledging Marty and others, he proposed to ANROSP board that they assist in our cost of registration then IDA hit mid-Atlantic states, stalled and caused severe flooding across a wide region. That hurricane exemplified so many of the costly and catastrophic characteristics that are increasingly common, that we know are exacerbated by climate change, a warmer Gulf, causing rapid storm intensification, more extreme precipitation, bigger storm surge, a social and environmental justice dilemma, causing disproportionate impacts on the most vulnerable communities.
He cited a recent Washington Post analysis of federal disaster declarations showing that nearly one in three Americans live in a county hit by a weather disaster in the past three months alone.
Americans are experiencing compound catastrophes, where events overlap, for example Hurricane Ida followed by a heatwave. Such events can only increase as the frequency of billion dollar disasters themselves increase.
Greg says “As naturalists we tend to focus our observations on the living world but we understand the underlying relationship between the biotic and abiotic. As climate and physical conditions and land forms change, so too will the communities and ecosystems that depend on them.
Climate change is directly related to natural history, and it makes perfect sense for us to address it head on! Many of our state naturalist programs are doing just by expanding their program content to incorporate climate change education materials.”
“Others are partnering with other organizations who conduct climate change education programs and still others are exploring standalone climate change education courses, as part of their core programming.
This latter approach is what the UC and California naturalist program did in 2020 by launching the new Climate Stewards course, over three years in development, enabled by funding from a visionary donor, the flexibility of a team of Community educators able to shift effortlessly between bioblitzes and Community resilience assessments and the expertise of a new academic coordinator under the leadership of founding director Adina Merenlender author of “Climate stewardship taking collective action to protect California”.
Author Spotlight: Adina Merenlender on Climate Stewardship as a Joyful Movement – UC Press Blog
He says The national extension climate initiative took off. A climate change program team was formed in UCLA specifically designed to promote collaboration between the California climate hub system and cooperative extensions. They hope to help eliminate some of the hurdles that other States might experience. Early next year they hope to launch an opportunity for other states interested in Climate Stewards to join in a multi-state capacity building collaborative - more details to come.
Greg said “In the meantime, ANROSP helps to collaborate and share the practical lessons that we've all learned as we strengthen our existing program content around climate change and embark on new initiatives.
This is what ANROSP does best as a network of program managers and practitioners, we all face similar challenges associated with delivering our programs in an efficient and effective and meaningful way at the same time, each program in ANROSP is unique.
ANROSP is a platform for addressing both the continuity that allows us to share ideas and aggregate results for collective impact and the site specificity that allows us to embrace the local diversity and the richness that makes every course unique we hope you find this first conference useful regardless of where you are in your state on this process of moving towards more climate change education.”
Brooke Gamble, ANROSP Secretary and Community education specialist with the UC California Nachos Program made a land acknowledgement about the land they use being in northern California acknowledging that this virtual presentation is taking place through the unceded territory of the United States.
She says the U.S. is home to over 600 different tribal nations in the United States, California is home to nearly 200 tribal nations, and in particular she was speaking from pomona ancestral land, in Holland about two hours north of the golden gate bridge.
The California naturalists is affiliated with the UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources and is housed in a land grant university, one of the recipients of nearly 17 million acres of land sold through the Morrill Act of 1862 that was largely taken from tribal nations and granted to institutions. The public land grant university movement is the first major federal funding for higher education and for opening opportunities to farmers and working people previously excluded from higher education.
University of California benefited and continues to benefit from the occupation and use of these lands, since the institution’s founding in 1914 so ANROSP acknowledges and honors the original inhabitants of our various regions, and encourage us to learn, which tribal nations are indigenous to the area where we're now living. For more see https://native-land.ca/
Key take-away developing Community agreements is a really powerful strategy for coalescing a group into a team. Building good relationships is crucial. Taking time to talk and listen is very important. Group norms are ways in which we behave in relationship with each other, whether that's consciously and explicitly or not. “We all come with different sets of experience and Life experiences and backgrounds, but we acknowledge each other as equals in this space we recognize each other's need to help each other become better listeners.”
She recommends The National Equity project, to help transform your meetings and your workplace culture. Their mission is to transform the experiences, outcomes and life options for children and families who have been historically underserved by our institutions and systems. See The NEP Theory of Change.
I hope that you are all well and not too exhausted and troubled by Hurricane IDA and the aftermath.
Here is some good news that may be of interest to our members, I think.
You may have heard of this initiative already but if not, I hope it will prove useful. I learned yesterday evening that the Louisiana Office of Tourism is creating a birding trail for Louisiana! They’ve provided a nomination form to fill out in order to be included on the trail. This is where they need help! The form asks for what birds you might see and what time of year you can find them. Here is the link to the nomination form: Louisiana Birding Trail Nomination Form – Louisiana Birding Trails (labirdingtrails.com)
It might be possible for their staff to submit nominations on your behalf in case a naturalist can't use the form and wants to submit information some other way. You’ll see from the items below that this guide will really be a great asset to visiting nature lovers.
Information needed:
If you’re interested in helping, individually or in teams and have questions then contact:
Cheryl Hargrove 202-236-3777 or [email protected]
The nomination form is due September 30 so the clock is ticking.
Here is some good news that may be of interest to our members, I think.
You may have heard of this initiative already but if not, I hope it will prove useful. I learned yesterday evening that the Louisiana Office of Tourism is creating a birding trail for Louisiana! They’ve provided a nomination form to fill out in order to be included on the trail. This is where they need help! The form asks for what birds you might see and what time of year you can find them. Here is the link to the nomination form: Louisiana Birding Trail Nomination Form – Louisiana Birding Trails (labirdingtrails.com)
It might be possible for their staff to submit nominations on your behalf in case a naturalist can't use the form and wants to submit information some other way. You’ll see from the items below that this guide will really be a great asset to visiting nature lovers.
Information needed:
- Site Name, Site Size (if known), is the site private or public, a short description (She may be able to write one up if someone can give her a few details), Address of site.
- Site Owner/Manager Name, Title, &/or Organization. Email or phone number for site (if applicable)
- Site Access Limitations (Heavy/Dangerous Nearby Traffic, Water Hazards, Others)
- Is there an admission? Do they offer an annual pass? (she can also look for this info)
- Is it accessible year-round, seasonal, etc.?
- Seasonality (Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall, Year-Round, Other)
- Days Open (if applicable)
- Is it handicap accessible? (Full, Partial, Trail for Blind, Not Accessible)
- Parking Area (Paved, Gravel, Pull-off Area, No Dedicated Parking, No Auto Access)
- Site Restrictions (None, Pets on Leash Only, Alcohol Prohibited, Walk-n Only, Boat-in Only, Seasonal Closure due to nesting, admission fee, by appointment only)
- Amenities on site (Biking, Boardwalks, boating, camping, kayaking, drinking fountain, fishing, gift shop, etc.)
- Are there recurring birding events at the site? (Christmas bird count, annual bird festival, etc.)
- It also asks for nearby food, lodging, and activities.
- Any notable reasons to visit the site (rare plants, fish runs, mammals, noteworthy reptile, or amphibians)
- Species & time of year you can find them (Waterfowl, shorebirds, wading birds, songbirds, raptors, game birds, mammals, fish, wildflowers, butterflies/dragonflies, reptiles/amphibians)
- Is the site known for a particular species? If so, what?
- In the past, has this site produced bird rarities? If yes, which rare species?
- Habitat type (Marsh, swamp, bottomland/hardwood, upland hardwood, mixed pines, etc.)
- Any images of the site or species you can find there
If you’re interested in helping, individually or in teams and have questions then contact:
Cheryl Hargrove 202-236-3777 or [email protected]
The nomination form is due September 30 so the clock is ticking.
7/7/2021 3 Comments
Our Origins: Focus Southwest
By Irvin Louque (Former President) ![]() We incorporated in October 2015 and held our first class January-July 2016. I'm happy to talk about it! I first heard of the master naturalist program in 2014 when David Booth (I knew him from the Gulf Coast Bird Club) had visited with Stacy Scarce the then President of the Acadiana Master Naturalists. David was interested in starting a Lake Charles chapter. Then in 2015, I began working as an environmental educator with the City of Lake Charles, and there was a huge need for informed volunteers to help out with our two nature parks. Initially the existing volunteer base was spread thinly among area organizations but lacked the time to devote to the cause. I remembered David's interest and ended up visiting with Stacy Scarce myself, met Tommy Hillman at the Acadiana chapters pollinator workshop, and decided to focus on building a master naturalist group in Lake Charles. After a few months of meetings with the few environmental educators and professionals I knew (and those that they knew) we had formed a board, drafted articles of incorporation, and scheduled our workshops for the spring. With the support of the Gulf Coast Bird Club and promotions through the city's nature parks we certified our first class in 2016. Most of our original board members have stuck around and still heavily contribute to our chapter's growth and workshops. I was the charter president, and I could not have helped start the chapter without Robby Maxwell (founding secretary/treasurer and current board member), Tommy Hillman (charter vice president), Theresa Cross (charter and current board member), Lori McGee (charter board member), David Booth (charter and current board member), Chuck Battaglia (charter board member), Brian Sean Early (charter board member). | Pictured above in 2016, the Southwest Louisiana Master Naturalist charter members. SWLMN photo and copyright. Source: https://www.swlamasternaturalists.org Our origin and connection to the Acadiana chapter is the origin of our name difference compared to the other chapters in the state — Southwest Louisiana Master Naturalists instead of Louisiana Master Naturalist of Southwest Louisiana. I like to think that Southwest Louisiana's (and maybe even Acadiana's) independent streak goes back to our time as either Cajuns living off the land due to the inaccessibility of the prairies or the settlers who lived in "No Man's Land" between the Calcasieu and Sabine Rivers. Because of our location and the strengths of our board members, our program has tended to emphasize the Cajun prairie, coastal marshes, birds, herps, freshwater ecology, and citizen science. We've thrown in other topics such as mycology and pollinators whenever we've been able to and have strived to be open to the ideas of our board and members. Through student discounts and scholarships, we've been able to open the course to college students and recent graduates. One of our founding values is to make sure that everyone feels welcome to attend our workshops and meetings. |
One of the things that I'm most proud of is our certified students stepping into leadership roles. In 2021, we have our first group of officers consisting entirely of members who became certified master naturalists through our program: Barbara Morris (president), Lori Marinovich (vice president), Clay Ardoin (treasurer), and Patty Palmer (secretary). I consider that one of several signs of our chapter's sustainability and success. (View Photo Gallery)
Arlene Cain, a member of our first class, was our newsletter editor from August 2016 (our first newsletter) until April 2021. She moved to Indiana after Hurricane Laura, and while we wish her well, we'll miss her. Several members have been able to work with other agencies in various roles after finishing our course, from the City of Lake Charles to NRCS to the National Parks Service. Irvin Louque also serves as Whooping Crane Outreach Coordinator-Louisiana for the International Crane Foundation |
7/6/2021 0 Comments
Our Origins: Focus Northwest
By Hulya Onel, Secretary & Communications Officer for Louisiana Master Naturalists Northwest
Our first graduates, Class of 2015: Standing: Terri Jacobson, Amanda Lewis, Hulya Onel, Eric Vardeman, Thomas Goleman, Larry Raymond. Sitting: George Gehrig, Diane Mastrodomenico, Micha Petty.
Our mission is to assist the general public to a better understanding of our natural world and to promote conservation and preservation of native plant and animal life and habitats within Northwest Louisiana Area.
Our objective is to create a group of volunteers who are acquainted with the educational environmental public programs and annual events offered by the nature parks and the wildlife refuge in Shreveport and Bossier City. Our Program:For our purposes, we decided to offer foundational biology subjects in order to equally acquaint members with basic biology / Life Sciences. We also included a workshop about “Interpretation and Volunteering”. In this workshop, a speaker comes from parks / refuges or a different organization such as a Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, Aquarium, Sci-port or Shreveport Green. They give information about their organization, what they do and the type of help they need from their volunteers. This way our members stay in touch with these organizations and take the opportunity to volunteer.
When we finalized our preparations for our first Workshop Program in 2014, we started a “trial -run” of the program with the present Board and committee members. The registration fee was $100 then, now $125 in 2021, and the members need to complete 7 out of 9 courses offered within two years in order to certify. Each workshop is 6 hours long and two of them are mandatory for our purposes: Interpretation and Volunteering and Ecology and Biodiversity. The other courses are Ornithology, Entomology, Herpetology, Wildflowers, Trees and Shrubs, Mammalogy and Aquatic Life. We try to add new courses every year either to the basic program or for Continuing Education, such as Snake Identification, Mycology, Phenology and Geology. Those who complete the courses take an open book group test. Those who pass the test becomes eligible for certification. The certified members need to fulfill the requirements each year to maintain certified status. Each certified member has to complete a 6-hour course which is different than the ones he/she had taken and also fulfil 20-hours of volunteering in nature-related local events. Our yearly membership due is $25. Check out Louisiana Master Naturalists Northwest Chapter (lmnnorthwest.org)A fine White-tailed buck crossing the levee at Red River NWR Headquarters Unit early morning on May 31, 2021. Image and copyright Ronnie Maum.
![]() Our Northwest Chapter coalesced in 2013. The initial core group was composed of Rusty Scarborough, Larry Raymond, Tom Goldman, Mac Hardy, Terri Jacobson, Donna Burney, Amanda Lewis, Hulya Onel and Micha Petty, along with a few more individuals who parted shortly after.
These members formed our Board, then we created our committees and elected officers. As the Board started working on our by-laws, the committees started working on our curriculum, publicity and so on. After the Board agreed on which workshops to offer initially, we started approaching LSUS in Shreveport, LSUS Ag Center, Walter B. Jacobs Memorial Nature Park, Red River National Wildlife Refuge and local Community Colleges for respective speakers for our workshops. Our first meeting of 7-24-14 in Baton Rouge with the other Chapters was attended by Bob Thomas from the Greater New Orleans Chapter, Alexandria and Lake Charles Amity Bass, Sariah Javed from LDWF and Rusty Scarborough, Larry Raymond and Donna Burney from Northwest Chapter (Shreveport-Bossier City area). Rusty Scarborough gave the first report for Northwest Chapter.
Subsequent Meetings: Our Board meets once every odd-numbered month. Currently, we have 9 Board members: Rusty Scarborough -President, Larry Raymond-Treasurer, Hulya Onel Secretary & Communication Officer, Tom Goleman, Terri Jacobson, Sarah Philyaw, T.J. Luoma, Sandra Roerig and Richard Maxwell. We organize an open house General Membership Meeting twice a year, before we start our new education period and at the graduation. We have an ongoing problem that we have been working on to find solutions: we are having difficulty in keeping our certified members involved in our group, our activities and programs. It seems like after they are certified, the majority of them go on their way. This is a pity because they have much to share with new members. Our accomplishments: We consider ourselves very lucky and take pride in having very knowledgeable lecturers who voluntarily invest their valuable time and energy -free of charge. Our lecturers are professors, teachers, assistants and experts from LSU in Shreveport, from local Community Colleges, naturalists, rangers, and wildlife rehabilitators, all of whom are experts in their fields. Also, despite the fact that we could not do any activity in 2020 due to Covid-19, we are still standing! At present, we have 12 newly registered students in the 2021 program. Although some of our certified members have either moved away, got health issues or passed away, as of March 2021, we have 33 active certified members. Did You Know?
Forests in the Northwest feed the important Sparta Aquifer, the crucial watershed that provides freshwater to North central Louisiana and the Twin Cities of West Monroe and Monroe. The Louisiana Exotic Animal Resource Network (LEARN) has a wildlife rescue and rehabilitation center near Shreveport. Images from Red River NWR Headquarters Unit May 1, 2021, courtesy and copyright Ronnie Maum. Top - Blue Buntings on Red Mulberries, left - Black-bellied Whistling Duck, right - Northern Cardinal hen with nesting materials.
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